How to send a custom notification without an actual redirect?

I want some of my users to notify group of users on the community as well as internal users about new features that we implement every month. These are purely informational notifications and don't necessarily require a redirect. I tried using the CustomNotification but it always requires either a Target Id or a Target Page Reference . I tried using standard__webPage as below :

notification.setTargetPageRef('< "type": "standard__webPage", "attributes": < "url": "http://#" >>'); 

This gives me an error This page isn't available. and the URL formed for internal users is /lightning/webpage/http%3A%2F%2F%23 . Further I tried using notification.setTargetPageRef('< "type": "standard__webPage", "attributes": < "url": "/#" >>'); and it refreshes the page for internal users. How can I make this work without actually navigating or refreshing the page ? Alternatively, do we have any other techniques to notify users without having to do a lot of customisation ?