Accessibility in Ontario: what you need to know

Ontario has laws and standards that are intended to make the province more inclusive by helping to reduce and remove the barriers you may face in everyday life. Learn about accessibility requirements, review accessibility standards and find resources.

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Accessibility standards

Ontario’s accessibility standards help businesses and organizations to identify and remove barriers to improve accessibility in five areas:

Customer service

As a person with a disability, organizations must provide you with the right customer service so you can access their goods, services or facilities. Staff must be trained in providing accessible customer service.

You can have your support person with you at all times. You can also give feedback through accessible surveys or comment forms.

Feedback process

Under the AODA , organizations with one or more employees must have a process to receive feedback. That way, people can give feedback on how the organization provides goods, services or facilities to customers with disabilities.

Organizations must also let people know how they will respond to feedback and take action on complaints. Information about the feedback process must be readily available to the public.

Provide your feedback

If you feel you haven’t received accessible customer service:

  1. contact the organization and ask for the person in charge
  2. tell them you would like to comment on your accessibility experience using their feedback process
  3. explain the purpose of your feedback is to prevent the same problem from happening again
  4. if necessary, provide your feedback in writing and explain:

Access to information

You have the right to get information from an organization in a format you can use. The formats include:

A range of information must be provided to you in an accessible format, including: