Safety is everybody’s business. Early childhood programs keep children safe by ensuring environments are hazard free, staff are actively supervising and providing nurturing care, and everyone communicates about safety concerns. Find resources to help staff and families reduce childhood injuries everywhere that children learn and grow. Discover tips for use at home, in cars and buses, on the playground, and in all early childhood settings.
Close supervision reduces injuries. System-wide intentional supervision creates safe, positive learning environments for all children. Learn to implement active supervision in all early childhood program settings.
Watch this webinar to learn about the role of Head Start programs in reporting health and safety incidents. Find out about resources to train and support staff to build a program-wide culture of safety and wellness.
All Head Start and Early Head Start staff are mandated reporters. Reporting suspected child abuse and neglect protects children and helps families and children connect to services.
Explore and share materials about disaster preparedness, response, and recovery for families and programs.