
While someone counts to one hundred. It hurries off and hides. At the end of the count, the seekers call “Coming”, and the hunt begins. The seekers should spread out for the hunting. As soon as a seeker finds the hidden one, she stays quietly in the same place. Usually one player after another comes until all have discovered the hidden one. The last one to discover the hidden player becomes the next It.

If the last seeker can’t find the hidden one after a good hunt they can call “Give up” and then she must hide until the others hunt for her.

Hoist Your Sails


paper and pencils


Boundaries to play should be established. Ideally this game should be played in a forested area.

The girls are divided into two teams and each team picks a captain. The captains get the pencils and paper.


Each team sets off in a different direction and hides their treasure. When they return the captain draws a map to the treasure. The teams exchange maps and try to find the other teams treasure.

Repeat several times with a different captain each time.

Program Areas