ELO Application Directions to Obtain/Revalidate a Lifetime License
How to Apply for a Lifetime License

1. Determine Background Check Status
If you have lived outside of Wisconsin in the last 20 years, you may have to schedule an appointment to submit fingerprints. Use this decision tree to determine if this step is needed.
2. Gather Documents
- Preview the ELO Conduct & Competency Questions to see if you will need to provide documentation of any alleged misconduct.
- Download the Employment Verification form (PI-1613) and have your Wisconsin employer complete and sign it. This requires a signature from your district administrator or personnel director. If your six semesters were done with different employers, you will need to submit a verification form for each one. Once you receive the signed form(s), scan and save to your computer to a file that is 2MB or smaller.
- Experience cannot be verified on the PI-1613-employment verification form until it is earned and the majority of the semester has been completed. For example, if your sixth semester of experience is 1st/fall semester, your district cannot verify that experience prior to January 1st. If 2nd/spring semester is your sixth semester of experience, your district cannot verify that experience prior to March 1st. You cannot submit the 8000 application prior to January of the year your provisional license expires or prior to having all required documentation, whichever is later.
- Experience must be completed in the five years immediately preceding the July 1 start date of the lifetime license.
- Pre-kindergarten-12 experience must be completed in the license area (Teaching, Administration or Pupil Services) while holding either a provisional, initial educator, professional educator or master educator license in that licensure area.
3. Log in to Educator Licensing Online (ELO)
- Within ELO, make sure you have answered the three onboarding questions, and that your current license(s) are listed in your profile.
- Go to the ELO’s Quick Start Menu/ Apply for a License. See screenshot below:

- Choose either “1-Teacher”, “2-Administrator”, or “3- Pupil Services” Category in the drop down menu.
- Choose “Request Lifetime License (8000)” in the drop-down menu and click “GO!”
- Review each page of the application for accuracy and click “SUBMIT.”
4. Receive Email Confirmation
5. Complete Application on ELO
- Click the GO! button next to “Submit C&C and Payment to Complete Application.”
- Review your fees.
- Complete the Conduct and Competency Questionnaire (14 questions).
- Pay with a credit card or pre-paid card.
Our processing times vary throughout the year. For current processing times see the Check Application Status page.
Submit questions and comments about this information to the Licensing Online Help desk.