Lump-Sum Cancer Insurance

Since cancer treatments can be costly, you may be wondering how to cover expenses in the event of a cancer diagnosis. Luckily, lump-sum cancer insurance can help relieve some of the financial burden that comes with treatments. You may use this type of plan to help cover out-of-pocket expenses that your standard health insurance policy doesn’t cover. Here’s a closer look at lump-sum cancer insurance and how it works.

What is lump-sum cancer insurance?

A lump-sum cancer insurance policy pays out a fixed sum of money after a cancer diagnosis. It’s a supplemental plan you can purchase in addition to your health insurance policy. You can use the payout to help cover any medical and non-medical expenses as you go through cancer treatment. 1 Aflac is pleased to offer affordable cancer insurance with a lump-sum payout.

Peace of mind doesn't
have to break the bank

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Help cover yourself and your family with affordable coverage from Aflac.

What does lump-sum cancer insurance cover?

Lump-sum cancer insurance may cover different types of cancer.

Lump-sum cancer insurance policy cost

The cost of lump-sum cancer insurance can vary greatly. Factors like your age, location, health history, preferred payout amount, and the insurance company you choose can all determine what you’ll pay for a policy. In general, however, premiums can range from $10 to $50 per month. 2

How to use the lump-sum cancer insurance payout

As mentioned earlier, you can use the payout from a lump-sum cancer insurance policy to help cover any expenses you need, including:

Pay for medical costs your health insurance doesn’t cover

With a lump-sum cancer policy, you can cover various medical costs that your standard health insurance plan won’t cover. These might include co-pays, deductibles, lab tests, etc.

Replace your income

A cancer diagnosis may prevent you from working or limit your hours. Fortunately, the lump-sum cancer insurance payout can also help replace a portion of the income you lose.

Cover everyday expenses

In addition to medical expenses, a lump-sum cancer policy can help pay for non-medical, everyday expenses. Some examples of these expenses may include household bills, childcare costs, and transportation expenses.

Is a lump-sum cancer insurance policy worth it?

When deciding whether you should get a cancer insurance policy, it’s important to consider your unique situation and needs. If you have a family history of cancer, for instance, lump-sum cancer insurance may be worthwhile. 2 Additionally, you may want to consider this type of policy if you don’t have enough savings to stay afloat financially in the event of a cancer diagnosis. Cancer insurance can give you and your family some much-needed peace of mind.

Get a quote for cancer insurance

The goal of cancer insurance is to protect your financial, physical, and emotional well-being. It can allow you to seek out the latest treatments and ease any financial concerns you might have. Aflac offers lump-sum cancer insurance that lets you lock in excellent coverage with affordable premiums. For more information or a quote, don’t hesitate to contact an Aflac representative today.